Splendora Family Dental


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5 Main Causes For Denture Pain & How To Treat It

Denture pain is widespread among denture users. But most pains are preventable. Denture pain has different causes, and fortunately, there are various solutions to ease it. Also, it may take some time for your new dentures to feel natural and comfortable, and till then, you may experience some issues.

In this article, we’ll talk about eliminating denture discomfort by identifying the five leading causes. With time, your dentures will be well-adjusted, just like your natural teeth.

Soreness And Discomfort

Soreness is one of the most common problems when you start wearing denture implants. The new dentures are not well-adjusted in your mouth and might add to the discomfort. After a few days, they will get used to their position, and your mouth will change accordingly.

The pain is only present for a short period, during the first few days or maybe weeks. You can use a water saline solution to ease the discomfort. A pain reliever or simple massaging will also be effective. The new dentures often rub on the soft gum tissue and irritate.

Difficulty in Speaking

Anything new takes a bit of time to adjust. Similarly, new dentures might feel strange and uncomfortable at first. That is why speaking fluently might be awkward in the initial denture days. With some practice and time, dentures will adjust properly, and you will find your average speaking speed back.

Sometimes, the discomfort or difficulty in speaking is due to an allergy to denture adhesive. Allergies to denture adhesives and cleaners can also cause burning sensations inside the mouth, swelling, or gum irritation, resulting in ulcers.

Improper Fit

New dentures are designed specifically for your mouth. But sometimes, due to faults in design, the dentures might need to fit correctly. It will result in extreme pain and discomfort. A denture that doesn’t work correctly may cause the gums to move constantly. Soreness and blisters can result from the gums rubbing against the dentures. You must visit your dentist if the denture does not fit properly

In cases where permanent denture implants are placed before the gums have healed fully, they will eventually come loose and rub against the gum line. As the gums shrink over time, old dentures can also move. The underlying bone shrinking causes this.

Chewing Pressure

As natural teeth are anchored to the jaw, any pressure caused by biting down directly affects the bone. As the pressure is applied directly to the gums, dentures can cause temporary discomfort for a few days. Sometimes, due to a lack of saliva, there is a lot of friction while chewing food, which might also cause pain.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Just like natural teeth, dentures must be cleaned properly and regularly. If there is bacteria buildup, it can cause oral infection and infection of the gums. Years of yeast formation can also lead to oral thrush. Dentures need a hygiene routine and lots of care, just like regular teeth. Without a proper lifestyle, the dentures have a shorter lifespan.

Final Thought

Soft, red tissues and yeast infections in the mouth are usually the cause of denture pain. It can also result from incorrectly fitted denture implants or snap-on dentures. It is important to remember that discomfort should only occur during the adjustment process. With time, the soreness and discomfort also vanish, and dentures become part of your life.

If your denture discomfort persists, there may be another cause. Contact your dental professional if you need help adjusting to your new dentures. They can assist you with the correct adjustments and offer tips for treating dentures.